DAVOS 1917 · Limited Series · 2023

Directed by Jan-Eric Mack, Anca Miruna Lăzărescu, Christian Theede
Starring Dominique Devenport, David Kross, Jeanette Hain
Editing Simon Gutknecht, Benjamin Fueter, Janina Gerkens
Produced by Contrast Film, Letterbox Filmproduktion, Amalia Film
Switzerland / Germany

1917 - the First World War is devastating Europe. In contrast, the noble Swiss mountain resort of Davos seems like an oasis of peace. But behind the scenes of neutral Switzerland, the agents of the world powers are busy at work. The young, war-tested nurse Johanna unexpectedly finds herself caught between the front lines of the secret services. In order to get her illegitimate daughter back, she gets involved in a deadly game.

World Premiere at Zurich Film Festival · Film Festival Cologne, Section Top Ten TV · Swiss Television Film Award, Best Actress in a Leading Role
Aired in Germany, Switzerland and Austria · Coming soon to Walter Presents (USA & Canada), Filmin (Portugal & Spain), Italy, Australia, Hungary, Poland and India.